Everyday Encounters
Bringing the useful and beautiful into our homes and lives
Saturday 13 October 2012 - Sunday 3 February 2013
William Morris argued that art should be part of our everyday life. This exhibition is a response by members of the Society of Designer Craftsmen
‘Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful’
In this famous statement, William Morris summed up his belief that art should be part of our everyday lives. He argued that well-designed and expertly-crafted objects could lift the spirit, and inspire both the maker and the eventual owner. Functional items could be made to carry stories and tell tales that enrich daily life. By slowing down and not taking the ‘everyday’ for granted, we can see and experience new things.
Today’s designers and makers continue to explore the role of craft. The William Morris Gallery invited members of the Society of Designer Craftsmen to create new work in response to Morris’s rallying call. This exhibition brings together an extraordinary range of objects which explore the potential of materials, decoration and narrative.
The Society of Designer Craftsmen is a multi-disciplinary society with roots stretching back to the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. Twenty-eight members have been shortlisted for this exhibition to present textiles, ceramics, mixed media, metal work and the book arts. They range from the Society’s most prominent names to individuals just starting out in their careers.
List of exhibiting artist: Adam Aaronson (glass), Judith Battersby (ceramics), Amy Cooper (ceramics), Sara Fell (glass and precious metals), Jenny Ford (textiles), Kirsten Glasbrook (textiles), Marion Hewitt (glass), Simon Jewell (furniture), Debbie Lyddon (textiles), Armando Magnino (furniture), Peter Moss (ceramics), Amarjeet Nandra (textiles), Sandra Owens (ceramics), Sumi Perera (book art), Caroline Rees (glass), Niru Reid (textiles), Sally Reilly (ceramics), Rosalind Roberts (mixed media), Waring Robinson (furniture), Pam Schomberg (ceramics), Diana Springall (textiles), Kate Standen (ceramics), Teresa Strachan (textiles), Sass Tetzlaff (textiles), Susie Vickery (textiles), Jeanne Werge-Hartley (metalwork), Molly Williams (textiles), Stephanie Wright (ceramics)
Image: Nacre by Judith Battersby